
New therapeutic target for pancreatic cancer treatment.

One of the greatest challenges for pharmacology is to develop efficacious therapies to treat cancer. Among different types of neoplasia, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), the most prevalent subtype of pancreatic cancer, is a particular dare since is the tumor with the worst prognosis, mainly due to its late diagnostic, its high metastatic potential and its significant resistance to conventional treatments.

Researchers at the ININFA, led by Dr. Davio, demostrated that multidrug resistance protein MRP4I controls cAMP transport accross cell membrane. This molecule is involved in several vital mechanisms acting as second messenger, finding that deserved the Nobel Prize to Earl Sutherland in 1971. (https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1971/presenta...).

Working at the Molecular Pharmacology and Oncology Lab, the researchers observed that the pharmacological antagonism of cAMP by MRP4 protein inhibits PDAC cell growth and cancer development in an experimental  murine model.

The abstract of an article published in "en foco" magazina can be seen. Complete article can be read here.