ana sahores

Ana Sahores was born in Buenos Aires Capital City in 1984. She studied Biology in the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (FCEN-UBA) and graduated in 2010 after performing her degree thesis in the Laboratory of Hormonal Carcinogenesis in the Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental (IBYME) under Dr. Lamb’s direction. Subsequently, she performed her PhD thesis in the same laboratory with a CONICET fellowship (2011-2016). During those years, she taught Biology in three secondary schools and was Assistant and Chief of Laboratory Practice in several post-graduate courses. She has now a post-doctoral CONICET fellowship and works in the LABORATORY OF MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY under Dr. Davio’s direction.

Ana finds her balance practicing Iyengar yoga, pruning her little garden and riding her bike as much as she can. She loves traveling to exotic places and marvels about nature.


Phone: +54 11 4783 2869 (241)
