
Carlos A. Davio was born on July 21st, 1964 in Luján, Buenos Aires Province, in Argentina.

He is a biochemist (1989), pharmacist (1990), PhD from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (1993), authorized University Professor (2004). All his titles were granted by the Pharmacology and Biochemistry Faculty from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (FFyB-UBA).

In 1984, Dr. Davio started his teaching career as a rented helper while he was still an undergraduate student. After 33 years of uninterrupted teaching in FFyB-UBA, he is now Main Professor of Pharmacology in the same Faculty and belongs to Category I in the “Research and Teacher Incentive Program”. In 1987, he started his scientific career with a “Stimulus Fellowship” awarded to outstanding UBA students and, after 30 years of uninterrupted research in FFyB-UBA, is now a Principal Investigator in CONICET.

During his career, Dr. Davio has developed scientific and academic activities and in 2013 he was President of the Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Clínica (SAIC). He is currently Director of the Instituto de Investigaciones Farmacológicas (ININFA-UBA-CONICET) and is Principal Investigator of the LABORATORY OF MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY, within the same Institute. His research group is mainly focused on describing and validating new therapeutic targets for cancer treatment with the purpose of developing highly selective and effective novel pharmacological prototypes through a rational design. The laboratory transfers knowledge to several national and international groups through academic and scientific collaborations.

Dr. Davio is author of more than 80 publications in International Journals and three book chapters concerning Molecular Oncology and Pharmacology. He has trained numerous human resources and mentored a total of 15 PhD Thesis and two Master Degrees, all of them with outstanding qualifications, including two “FFyB Best Year Thesis” and two summa cum lauden. He has been granted with relevant awards in the Molecular Oncology and Pharmacology field, such as the LALCEC (Liga Argentina de Lucha contra el Cáncer) to the best national oncological study, “Fundación Rene Barón 1990″, “Fundación Florencio Fiorini 1997, 2002 and 2011”, “Fundación Rene Barón 2006″, “Best 2009 International Symposiumon: Drug Transport and Metabolism” organized by IUPHAR and SAFE, and “León Cherny Award 2010 and 2015” granted by SAIC.

In his leisure time, Dr. Davio enjoys spending time with his family and friends, feasting them with varied delicacies and food which he prepares with home grown products from his own organic orchard and farm, in his country house where he lives. His disciples call him “Cocote Motosierra” (Cocote Chainsaw), since he usually enters the laboratory on Mondays with some sort of wound caused by his clumsiness. He loves movies, music and dancing.


Phone: +54 11 5287 4526
