Science, technology and knowledge in general, cross all levels of daily life (economy, education, health, work, goods, services, etc.) constituting a powerful instrument to solve their own problems as well as allowing the State to carry out effectively the diagnosis, formulation and application of policies with high social and/or economic impact.

Pharmacology is clearly one of the main actors of the health system. Since the mid-twentieth century, the immense increase in life expectancy experienced by mankind was possible due to rationalization of therapeutics phenomenon, a process that involves identification of the pathologies causes, a rational understanding of the physiopathological processes and the development of therapies to treat or cure the pathology. In the vast majority of cases, such therapies are accompanied by the use of drugs. But drug development is not limited to the design of a substance capable of blocking or favoring a mechanism but also seeks to achieve the effectiveness of that substance to reach its target and act in the most selective way possible.

Considering these last concepts, it is clear that there is still a long way to go. The Institute of Pharmacological Research was created with this mission 50 years ago by Dr. Bernardo Houssay. In this long journey we have made great contributions to Pharmacology: the generation of relevant scientific knowledge, the formation of numerous human resources that include prestigious researchers inserted nationally and internationally both in the academia and in the socio-productive field and a strong transfer of this knowledge to the productive and health areas.